Dr. Brenda Braam has an extensive background in corrections. She was employed by the Virginia Department of Corrections and Grace Inside Prison Ministry from 2007 to 2016 as the Lead Chaplain of three (3) facilities, the Peumansend Regional Jail, Haynesville Correctional Center, and Unit 17 Work Release Center. She was employed as the Lead Chaplain of the Southern Nevada Women’s (Florence McClure) Correctional Center in Las Vegas, Nevada from 1997 to 2004. And she worked as a Pastoral Care Chaplain at St Mary’s Hospital in Richmond, Virginia.
Dr. Braam was the guest lecturer at Virginia Union University in Richmond, Virginia, and Sweet Briar University in Sweet Briar, Virginia Beach speaking on, “Domestic Violence in the Black Community and the Church’s Response.” Dr. Braam is an alumnus of the “Jennifer Byler Institute” Governor’s school of Leadership for Women and the “Jarena Lee Women Preach Academy.” She received the Nevada Prison Fellowship, “Chaplain of the Year” award. She is a recipient of the Negro and Professional Business Women’s Club, “National Sojourner Truth” award for outstanding meritorious service on advancing the status of women. Dr. Braam has traveled abroad and advocated for women and children in, Johannesburg and Kimberley, South Africa, Mexico, Trinidad, Tobago, Toronto, Canada, and Venezuela. She assisted in establishing a Christian school in Tobago, and a shelter for battered and abused women and children in Kimberley, South Africa.
Committed to education Dr. Braam earned, a Bachelor’s in Leadership & Management from Regent University, a Master of Divinity from the School of Theology at Virginia Union University, and a Master’s in Counseling from Liberty University. Dr. Braam graduated with a Doctoral Degree from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio in May 2019 and currently works as an Adjunct Faculty Mentor at the University.
Dr. Braam is a Domestic Violence, and Substance Abuse Counselor. She currently serves as a
Board Member for the Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence.